No matter how much time and effort you have put into creating an awesome new business website, you still need to get out there and make sure you’re making lots of noise to draw targeted traffic to your site. This is a task that even seasoned marketers can find daunting but, luckily we’re here to help with our inspiration-packed list of tactics you can deploy right now to build your website traffic.
1. Work on your local SEO
In no way are we suggesting that focusing on your local search optimisation is a quick fix. This is something that will take both time and consistency but, it is an excellent way of driving traffic to your website.
Not only will building a local search presence directly help you to deliver more targeted, qualified traffic to your site, it also entails a few activities that will themselves help you build site visitor numbers. Setting up your Google My Business profile for example is an important part of your local SEO. Once set up, you can use Posts to share your news, offers and events.
Citations are also key to local SEO – and as this involves adding your name, address, web link and phone number to a range of sites, including directories, it’s also a way to target more site visitors.
2. Encourage your customers to leave reviews
Online reviews are exceptionally trusted by consumers. If you encourage your clients to review you online, you give other potential clients lots of reasons to do business with you. This alone can be enough to drive traffic to your site.
3. Partner with a blogger
If you have a great product, service or initiative, partnering with a relevant blogger can help you raise your business profile and direct more visitors to your business website. This can take many forms and include a number of different bloggers so get creative. Just ensure that the blogger and promotion are aimed at the type of customer you want to see browsing your site.
4. Try some paid social media adverts
Paid social media is booming in popularity right now with more ecommerce brands than ever especially keen to use this format. If you have a small budget for advertising, consider investing some of it with social media platforms to boost your post and advertise your products. Just be sure you pick a platform that is popular with your target customer.
5. Work on getting some press coverage
It always pays to have a PR function and in an ideal world, you’ll already be regularly reaching out to your local and industry reporters to share your news. Aside from this, you can also use services like HARO to put your business forward for stories being worked on to generate media coverage.