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"We Make A Living By What We Get But A Life By What We Give."

At Digital Inspired, we have a passion for giving back. Our ethos is defined by the gift of paying it forward and we hope to utilise our experience and network to help inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs and business owners. The quote above defines this ethos, our why is not based on what we get but far more importantly, what we give - this is our why, our inspiration, our passion and the cornerstone of why we do what we do!

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We offer coaching for business owners and entrepreneurs in the space of mindset. Our director, Priyesh Vaghjiani, has run various businesses for over 20 years and believes your mindset is the most powerful tool you have. For us, the power of the mind can be the defining factor between success and failure. We wish to utilise all our experiences and be open about our mistakes, our obstacles and how these have been overcome through channelling positivity, belief, drive and action.
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Over the years in business, we have been blessed to connect with some driven, inspiring, and forward-thinking people. We have a huge network of businesses within a variety of industries including marketing, SEO, finance, legal, social media, coaching, events, accounting and PR to name but a few. We are not experts in these industries but we do know some experienced and outstanding people who are and we would be more than happy to open this network up to you. 

Why not ask what you need and see if we can help introduce someone who can help transform your business?

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At Digital Inspired, we will be working with Charity partners within the business and entrepreneurship space to offer support and help. This may come through mentorship, donations as well as many other possibilities. 

"We make a living by what we get but a life by what we give". Give and Be Inspired!
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